Attachment 1
ERC Reporting and Auditing: Accelerated Timeframes
March 20, 2002
I. Introduction and Welcome (Bill Washington)
II. Background (Bob Yuran)
A. Presidents Management Agenda
B. OMB Bulletin No. 01-09, Form and Content of Agency Financial Statements
C. OMB Memorandum on Future External Reporting Changes
III. Schedule of Accelerated Reporting Dates (Mark Lambert)
IV. How to Meet Reporting Dates (Dan Fletcher)
A. Streamlined Reporting Minimize requirements to include financial statements, footnotes, and one supplemental schedule
B. Move agreed-upon procedures to March 31 reporting date (calendar year requirements) and reduce sample sizes
C. Use estimates in future years
D. Actuarial liability agreed-upon procedures will still need to be completed by the larger carriers
V. Open Discussion