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2022 Employee Survey Results

2022 Annual Employee Survey Results
U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

The 2022 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) was administered to OPM employees in June of 2022.

The survey was provided to all non-political OPM employees onboard as of November of 2021.  Approximately 1,516 surveys were completed out of 2,386 administered, for a response rate of 63.5%, which was 9.72 percentage points higher than FY21’s response rate of 53.8%.

Response to the pandemic has clearly shown the importance of employee resilience, innovation, and employee involved decision-making to agency success. New content relevant to these and other key management topics were added to the 2022 survey. 

This survey is also used to address government priorities. Content aligned with the Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) were included in the 2022 survey as a new DEIA index.

OPM has reviewed the 2022 FEVS results in senior leadership meetings, provided all Associate Directors and Office Heads with their respective organization’s results, provided all direct supervisors with their work unit’s results if available, and shared high-level findings with the OPM employee workforce. 

OPM is implementing an agency-wide engagement plan to address focus areas and encouraging organization leadership to review their results and develop action plans to improve challenge areas.

Summary of Results

The highest percent positive items were the following:

  • Q89: It is important to me that my work contribute to the common good. 93%
  • Q51: My supervisor holds me accountable for achieving results. 92%
  • Q11: I am held accountable for the quality of work I produce. 92%
  • Q20: Employees in my work unit contribute positively to my agency’s performance. 91%
  • Q19: Employees in my work unit meet the needs of our customers. 90%

The highest percent negative items were the following:

  • Q12: Continually changing work priorities make it hard for me to produce high quality work. 41%
  • Q34: Employees in my work unit are typically under too much pressure to meet work goals. 32%
  • Q5: My workload is reasonable. 26%
  • Q64: Management involves employees in decisions that affect their work. 25%
  • Q16: In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way. 24%

The largest increases in percent positive since 2021 were:

  • Q58: Managers promote communication among different work units (for example, about projects, goals, needed resources). 67% (+3% since 2021)
  • Q8: I can disclose a suspected violation of any law, rule or reg. without fear of reprisal. 73% (+2%)
  • Q37: My organization is successful at accomplishing its mission. 81% (+1%)
  • Q60: I have a high level of respect for my organization's senior leaders. 70% (+1%)
  • Q18: My work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals. 82% (+1%)

The largest increases in percent negative since 2021 were:

  • Q16: In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way. 24% (+6% negative since 2021)
  • Q36: Employees are protected from health and safety hazards on the job. 12% (+4%)
  • Q69: Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your pay? 18% (+2%)
  • Q65: How satisfied are you with your involvement in decisions that affect your work? 20% (+2%)
  • Q67: How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for doing a good job? 17% (+2%)

Engagement Index Score: 77%

  • 68% Leaders Lead
  • 85% Supervisors
  • 77% Intrinsic Work Experience

Global Satisfaction: 70%

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Index Overall: 75%

  • 78% Diversity
  • 70% Equity
  • 78% Inclusion
  • 74% Accessibility

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2022 FEVS Item Results

Item Item Text Percent
Percent Neutral Percent
1 I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization. 73.0% 14.1% 12.8%
2 I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things. 69.1% 14.3% 16.6%
3 My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 75.4% 13.2% 11.4%
4 I know what is expected of me on the job. 84.1% 8.5% 7.4%
5 My workload is reasonable. 60.0% 14.3% 25.7%
6 My talents are used well in the workplace. 66.9% 16.5% 16.6%
7 I know how my work relates to the agency's goals. 87.3% 8.1% 4.5%
8 I can disclose a suspected violation of any law, rule or regulation without fear of reprisal. 73.0% 15.9% 11.1%
9 I have enough information to do my job well. 76.3% 12.4% 11.3%
10 I receive the training I need to do my job well. 68.0% 19.7% 12.3%
11 I am held accountable for the quality of work I produce. 92.0% 5.6% 2.4%
12 Continually changing work priorities make it hard for me to produce high quality work.
(Note: This item is negatively worded, so percent positive scores include "Strongly Disagree" or "Disagree" responses and percent negative scores include "Strongly Agree" or "Agree" responses. Percent positive scores mean that continually changing work priorities do not make it hard for employees to produce high quality work.)
34.1% 24.7% 41.2%
13 I have a clear idea of how well I am doing my job. 81.3% 11.9% 6.9%
14 The people I work with cooperate to get the job done. 86.2% 8.2% 5.6%
16 In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way. 49.7% 25.8% 24.4%
17 Employees in my work unit share job knowledge. 85.5% 8.0% 6.5%
18 My work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals. 82.3% 10.6% 7.1%
19 Employees in my work unit meet the needs of our customers. 90.4% 8.5% 1.0%<
20 Employees in my work unit contribute positively to my agency's performance. 90.7% 7.8% 1.5%
21 Employees in my work unit produce high-quality work. 88.2% 10.2% 1.6%
22 Employees in my work unit adapt to changing priorities. 85.7% 11.7% 2.6%
23 New hires in my work unit (i.e. hired in the past year) have the right skills to do their jobs. 66.3% 24.1% 9.6%
24 I can influence decisions in my work unit. 63.3% 20.3% 16.4%
25 I know what my work unit’s goals are. 86.6% 8.0% 5.4%
26 My work unit commits resources to develop new ideas (e.g., budget, staff, time, expert support). 56.9% 22.8% 20.3%
27 My work unit successfully manages disruptions to our work. 69.0% 18.6% 12.4%
28 Employees in my work unit consistently look for new ways to improve how they do their work. 72.2% 17.7% 10.1%
29 Employees in my work unit incorporate new ideas into their work. 71.9% 17.9% 10.2%
30 Employees in my work unit approach change as an opportunity. 63.6% 22.4% 14.0%
31 Employees in my work unit consider customer needs a top priority. 86.2% 9.3% 4.5%
32 Employees in my work unit consistently look for ways to improve customer service. 75.1% 18.6% 6.3%
33 Employees in my work unit support my need to balance my work and personal responsibilities. 79.1% 13.6% 7.3%
34 Employees in my work unit are typically under too much pressure to meet work goals.
(Note: This item is negatively worded, so percent positive scores include "Strongly Disagree" or "Disagree" responses and percent negative scores include "Strongly Agree" or "Agree" responses. Percent positive scores mean employees are typically not pressured to meet work goals.)
40.3% 28.0% 31.7%
35 Employees are recognized for providing high quality products and services. 67.0% 16.7% 16.4%
36 Employees are protected from health and safety hazards on the job. 75.4% 12.7% 11.8%
37 My organization is successful at accomplishing its mission. 81.5% 11.9% 6.7%
38 I have a good understanding of my organization’s priorities. 82.7% 9.8% 7.5%
39 My organization effectively adapts to changing government priorities. 76.1% 15.8% 8.1%
40 My organization has prepared me for potential physical security threats. 66.5% 20.1% 13.4%
41 My organization has prepared me for potential cybersecurity threats. 90.1% 7.0% 2.9%
42 In my organization, arbitrary action, personal favoritism and/or political coercion are not tolerated. 57.3% 21.5% 21.2%
43 I recommend my organization as a good place to work. 71.4% 18.1% 10.5%
44 I believe the results of this survey will be used to make my agency a better place to work. 52.9% 22.9% 24.1%
45 My supervisor is committed to a workforce representative of all segments of society. 85.7% 9.8% 4.5%
46 Supervisors in my work unit support employee development. 82.9% 10.2% 6.9%
47 My supervisor supports my need to balance work and other life issues. 90.1% 5.3% 4.6%
48 My supervisor listens to what I have to say. 87.2% 6.3% 6.5%
49 My supervisor treats me with respect. 89.8% 5.2% 5.0%
50 I have trust and confidence in my supervisor. 82.4% 10.0% 7.5%
51 My supervisor holds me accountable for achieving results. 92.3% 5.8% 1.9%
52 Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by your immediate supervisor? 84.3% 10.3% 5.4%
53 My supervisor provides me with constructive suggestions to improve my job performance. 77.4% 14.4% 8.2%
54 My supervisor provides me with performance feedback throughout the year. 84.5% 8.7% 6.8%
55 In my organization, senior leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce. 57.4% 21.3% 21.2%
56 My organization's senior leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity. 65.0% 21.2% 13.8%
57 Managers communicate the goals of the organization. 74.7% 14.3% 11.0%
58 Managers promote communication among different work units (for example, about projects, goals, needed resources). 66.6% 16.2% 17.1%
59 Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by the manager directly above your immediate supervisor? 73.6% 17.0% 9.4%
60 I have a high level of respect for my organization's senior leaders. 70.2% 18.7% 11.0%
61 Senior leaders demonstrate support for Work-Life programs. 73.1% 16.3% 10.6%
62 Management encourages innovation. 65.0% 21.4% 13.6%
63 Management makes effective changes to address challenges facing our organization. 61.8% 20.9% 17.3%
64 Management involves employees in decisions that affect their work. 52.4% 22.1% 25.4%
65 How satisfied are you with your involvement in decisions that affect your work? 56.7% 22.8% 20.5%
66 How satisfied are you with the information you receive from management on what's going on in your organization? 63.7% 19.1% 17.2%
67 How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for doing a good job? 62.4% 20.6% 17.0%
68 Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? 73.3% 14.3% 12.4%
69 Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your pay? 66.0% 15.9% 18.1%
70 Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization? 69.4% 17.5% 13.1%
71 My organization’s management practices promote diversity (e.g., outreach, recruitment, promotion opportunities). 75.9% 15.2% 8.9%
72 My supervisor demonstrates a commitment to workforce diversity (e.g., recruitment, promotion opportunities, development). 79.5% 14.6% 5.8%
73 I have similar access to advancement opportunities (e.g., promotion, career development, training) as others in my work unit. 70.1% 13.8% 16.1%
74 My supervisor provides opportunities fairly to all employees in my work unit (e.g., promotions, work assignments). 72.7% 15.3% 12.0%
75 In my work unit, excellent work is similarly recognized for all employees (e.g., awards, acknowledgements). 67.1% 16.7% 16.2%
76 Employees in my work unit treat me as a valued member of the team. 84.5% 10.2% 5.3%
77 Employees in my work unit make me feel I belong. 80.3% 13.6% 6.1%
78 Employees in my work unit care about me as a person. 79.5% 14.3% 6.2%
79 I am comfortable expressing opinions that are different from other employees in my work unit. 76.6% 12.2% 11.2%
80 In my work unit, people’s differences are respected. 78.0% 13.9% 8.1%
81 I can be successful in my organization being myself. 77.6% 12.9% 9.5%
82 I can easily make a request of my organization to meet my accessibility needs. 76.6% 15.7% 7.7%
83 My organization responds to my accessibility needs in a timely manner. 70.5% 21.0% 8.5%
84 My organization meets my accessibility needs. 73.8% 18.9% 7.3%
85 My job inspires me. 62.4% 22.0% 15.6%
86 The work I do gives me a sense of accomplishment. 76.1% 13.9% 10.1%
87 I feel a strong personal attachment to my organization. 61.4% 23.8% 14.8%
88 I identify with the mission of my organization. 78.4% 15.9% 5.7%
89 It is important to me that my work contribute to the common good. 92.9% 5.4% 1.7%

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15. In my work unit poor performers usually (select all that apply):
Response Options Responses Percentage
Remain in the work unit and improve their performance over time 259 17.6%
Remain in the work unit and continue to underperform 481 33.2%
Leave the work unit - removed or transferred 148 10.0%
Leave the work unit - quit 91 5.8%
There are no poor performers in my work unit 342 20.9%
Do Not Know 387 26.3%

Pandemic, Telework, Transition to the Worksite, and Workplace Flexibilities

90. What percentage of your work time are you currently required to be physically present at your agency worksite (including headquarters, bureau, field offices, etc.)?
Response Options Responses Percentage
100% of my work time 86 7.1%
At least 75% but less than 100% 55 4.3%
At least 50% but less than 75% 99 8.4%
At least 25% but less than 50% 260 20.2%
Less than 25% 400 24.8%
I am not currently required to be physically present at my agency worksite 563 35.1%
Total 1,463 100.0%
91. Please select the response that best describes your current remote work or teleworking schedule.
Response Options Responses Percentage
I have an approved remote work agreement (I am not expected to perform work at an agency worksite) 556 34.6%
I telework 3 or ore days per week 549 37.3%
I telework 1 or 2 days per week 271 20.8%
I telework, but only about 1 or 2 days per month 9 0.6%
I telework very infrequently, on an unscheduled or short-term basis 16 1.3%
I do not telework because I have to be physically present on the job (e.g., law enforcement officers, TSA agent, border patrol agent, security personnel) 32 2.8%
I do not telework because of technical issues (e.g., connectivity, inadequate equipment) that prevent me from teleworking 3 0.3%
I do not telework because I did not receive approval to do so, even though I have the kind of job where I can telework 9 0.7%
I do not telework because I choose not to telework 20 1.6%
Total 1,465 100.0%

Only those who answered “I have an approved remote work agreement” to the previous question received Question 91a.

91a. What is your current remote work status?
Response Options Responses Percentage
I have an approved remote work agreement and live outside the local commuting area (more than 50 miles away) 229 40.5%
I have an approved remote work agreement and live within the local commuting area (less than 50 miles away) 323 59.5%
Total 552 100.0%
92. Did you have an approved remote work agreement before the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic?
Response Options Responses Percentage
Yes 530 37.2%
No 932 62.8%
Total 1,462 100.0%
93. Based on your work unit’s current telework or remote work options, are you considering leaving your organization, and if so, why?
Response Options Responses Percentage
No 1,173 79.4%
Yes, to retire 64 4.3%
Yes, to take another job within my Agency 30< 2.5%
Yes, to take another job within the Federal Government 135 10.0%
Yes, to take another job outside the Federal Government 14 1.0%
Yes, other 39 2.9%
Total 1,455 100.0%

"Re-entry" is a term used to describe the transition from the work environment that has existed during the pandemic to the agency’s new work environment.

94. My agency’s re-entry arrangements are fair in accounting for employees’ diverse needs and situations
Response Options Responses Percentage
Strongly Agree 407 30.4%
Agree 447 35.3%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 244 20.3%
Disagree 82 7.3%
Strongly Disagree 74 6.7%
Not Applicable 206
Total 1,460 100.0%
95. Please select the response that best describes how employees in your work unit currently report to work
Response Options Responses Percentage
All employees in my work unit are physically present on the worksite 63 5.2%
Some employees are physically present on the worksite and others telework or work remotely 1,095 75.9%
No employees in my work unit are physically present on the worksite, we all work remotely 226 13.4%
Other 78 5.4%
Total 1,462 100.0%

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Senior Leaders and Support

96. My organization’s senior leaders support policies and procedures to protect employee health and safety.
Response Options Responses Percentage
Strongly Agree 589 38.9%
Agree 598 42.5%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 132 10.0%
Disagree 45 3.8%
Strongly Disagree 58 4.8%
No Basis to Judge 40
Total 1,462 100.0%
97. My organization’s senior leaders provide effective communications about what to expect with the return to the physical worksite.
Response Options Responses Percentage
Strongly Agree 555 37.3%
Agree 597 43.6%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 131 10.2%
Disagree 67 5.2%
Strongly Disagree 46 3.8%
No Basis to Judge 41
Total 1,437 100.0%
98. My supervisor supports my efforts to stay healthy and safe while working.
Response Options Responses Percentage
Strongly Agree 826 54.6%
Agree 488 35.3%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 77 6.0%
Disagree 26 2.1%
Strongly Disagree 26 2.0%
No Basis to Judge 22
Total 1,465 100.0%
99. My supervisor creates an environment where I can voice my concerns about staying healthy and safe.
Response Options Responses Percentage
Strongly Agree 784 52.4%
Agree 482 35.5%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 92 7.3%
Disagree 28 2.1%
Strongly Disagree 35 2.8%
No Basis to Judge 34
Total 1,455 100.0%

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Where do you work?
Response Options Percentage
Headquarters 46.1%
Field 16.8%
Full-time telework (e.g., home office, telecenter) 37.1%
Total 100.0%
What is your supervisory status?
Response Options Percentage
Senior Leader 3.4%
Manager 4.4%
Supervisor 12.2%
Team Leader 9.6%
Non-Supervisor 70.5%
Total 100.0%
What is your pay category/grade?
Response Options Percentage
Federal Wage System (for example, WB, WD, WG, WL, WM, WS, WY) 0.1%
GS 1-6 4.4%
GS 7-12 31.3%
GS 13-15 60.7%
Senior Executive Service 3.1%
Senior Level (SL) or Scientific or Professional (ST) 0.4%
Other 0.1%
Total 100.0%
What is your US military service status?
Response Options Percentage
No Prior Military Service 81.1%
Currently in National Guard or Reserves 0.6%
Retired 6.5%
Separated or Discharged 11.8%
Total 100.0%
Are you:
Response Options Percentage
The spouse of a current active duty service member of the U.S. Armed Forces 1.1%
The spouse of a service member who retired or separated from active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces with a disability rating of 100 percent 1.5%
The widow(er) of a service member killed while on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces 0.2%
None of the categories listed 97.2%
Total 100.0%

If the response to the previous question on if you are a military spouse was "None of the categories listed," this item was skipped.

Have you been hired under the Military Spouse Non-Competitive Hiring Authority?
Response Options Percentage
Yes 5.3%
No 94.7%
Total 100.0%
How long have you been with the Federal Government (excluding military service)?
Response Options Percentage
Less than 1 year 1.9%
1 to 3 years 8.6%
4 to 5 years 8.6%
6 to 10 years 15.2%
11 to 14 years 19.2%
15 to 20 years 16.5%
More than 20 years 30.0%
Total 100.0%
How long have you been with your current agency (for example, Department of Justice, Environmental Protection Agency)?
Response Options Percentage
Less than 1 year 5.6%
1 to 3 years 16.2%
4 to 5 years 12.6%
6 to 10 years 17.4%
11 to 14 years 18.5%
15 to 20 years 10.9%
More than 20 years 18.7%
Total 100.0%
Are you considering leaving your organization within the next year, and if so, why?
Response Options Percentage
No 71.3%
Yes, to retire 5.4%
Yes, to take another job within the Federal Government 18.2%
Yes, to take another job outside the Federal Government 1.8%
Yes, other 3.3%
Total 100.0%
I am planning to retire:
Response Options Percentage
Less than 1 year 2.6%
1 year 2.8%
2 years 3.9%
3 years 6.0%
4 years 4.0%
5 years 7.2%
More than 5 years 73.4%
Total 100.0%

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Personal Demographics

Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Response Options Percentage
Yes 6.3%
No 93.7%
Total 100.0%
Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify.
Response Options Percentage
White 62.2%
Black or African American 27.8%
All other races 10.0%
Total 100.0%
What is your age group?
Response Options Percentage
29 years and under 3.8%
30-39 years old 22.4%
40-49 years old 27.0%
50-59 years old 31.9%
60 years or older 15.0%
Total 100.0%
What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?
Response Options Percentage
Less than High School/ High School Diploma/ GED 5.1%
Certification/ Some College/ Associate's Degree 19.1%
Bachelor's Degree 33.9%
Advanced Degrees (Post Bachelor's Degree) 41.9%
Total 100.0%
Are you an individual with a disability?
Response Options Percentage
Yes 16.7%
No 83.3%
Total 100.0%
Are you:
Response Options Percentage
Male 37.6%
Female 62.4%
Total 100.0%
Are you transgender?
Response Options Percentage
Yes 0.4%
No 99.6%
Total 100.0%
Which one of the following best represents how you think of yourself?
Response Options Percentage
Straight, that is not gay or lesbian 92.6%
Gay or Lesbian 2.9%
Bisexual 1.7%
I use a different term 2.9%
Total 100.0%

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Agency-Specific Items

1. Senior leadership at my agency provided clear communication regarding the transition to hybrid work.
Response Options Number Percentage
Strongly Agree 561 37.6%
Agree 581 41.7%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 155 11.6%
Disagree 69 5.4%
Strongly Disagree 46 3.7%
No Basis to Judge 43
Total 1,455 100.0%
2. My current work schedule (i.e., telework arrangement and scheduled days/hours) provides me sufficient flexibility to meet my work and personal obligations.
Response Options Number Percentage
Strongly Agree 766 49.5%
Agree 476 33.9%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 118 8.9%
Disagree 55 4.5%
Strongly Disagree 39 3.3%
Total 1,454 100.0%
3. My team’s current work schedules (i.e., telework arrangements and scheduled days/hours) allow us to work productively.
Response Options Number Percentage
Strongly Agree 747 48.9%
Agree 516 36.6%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 108 8.5%
Disagree 48 3.8%
Strongly Disagree 27 2.2%
No Basis to Judge 16
Total 1,462 100.0%
4. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your current work schedule (i.e., telework arrangement and scheduled days/hours)?
Response Options Number Percentage
Very Satisfied 792 51.6%
Satisfied 435 30.5%
Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 105 7.8%
Dissatisfied 85 6.7%
Very Dissatisfied 41 3.4%
Total 1,458 100.0%
5. I have the resources and tools (technology, equipment, meeting space, etc.) I need to effectively work in a hybrid environment.
Response Options Number Percentage
Strongly Agree 639 44.1%
Agree 553 40.8%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 82 6.4%
Disagree 78 5.6%
Strongly Disagree 39 3.1%
N/A, I do not need hybrid work resources and tools (for example, because you and your entire unit is fully remote) 64
Total 1,455 100.0%
6. OPM senior leaders openly include and consider other OPM offices when making decisions impacting their program or work unit.
Response Options Number Percentage
Strongly Agree 299 25.5%
Agree 391 35.3%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 239 22.9%
Disagree 82 7.8%
Strongly Disagree 84 8.5%
No Basis to Judge 358
Total 1,453 100.0%
7. I know the steps to take at OPM if I am feeling unsafe (e.g. due to harassment or hostile work environment).
Response Options Number Percentage
Strongly Agree 382 28.4
Agree 588 44.1%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 166 13.0%
Disagree 130 10.0%
Strongly Disagree 57 4.5%
No Basis to Judge 131
Total 1,454 100.0%
8. I know the steps I should take at OPM if I need reasonable accommodation for a disability.
Response Options Number Percentage
Strongly Agree 364 29.3%
Agree 564 46.5%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 136 11.9%
Disagree 103 8.9%
Strongly Disagree 41 3.4%
No Basis to Judge 245
Total 1,453 100.0%

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