Department of Commerce
Presidential Rank Awards
Department of Commerce
AGENCY SPOTLIGHT: Distinguished Senior Professional
Jun Ye
Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, American Physical Society, Optical Society of America
Jun Ye's research advances the frontier of light-matter interaction and focuses on precision measurement, quantum physics and ultracold matter, optical frequency metrology, and ultrafast science.
Meritorious Executive
Holly BamfordAssistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone ManagementDr. Bamford led a series of regional and research-focused workshops to elicit input from scientists and managers on the most significant environmental impacts of marine debris.
Bruce M. KisliukDeputy Commissioner for Patent AdministrationMr. Kisliuk was instrumental in overseeing rapid and tremendous growth in the patent examining operations area that has had significant and continuing impact on the USPTO’S performance.
Distinguished Senior Professional
John M. ButlerScientific Fellow, National Institute of Standards and TechnologyDr. John M. Butler is an internationally recognized expert in forensic DNA analysis and has written five textbooks on that subject that are used worldwide. He currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the National Commission on Forensic Science.
Meritorious Senior Professional
Joseph A. StroscioNIST FellowDr. Stroscio led a world-class research program in the measurement of the electronic properties of grapheme, the subject of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Note: This is not a comprehensive list and only includes winners agreeing to public recognition, as of December 15, 2015.