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Page Revision: 4/12/2011 9:53:19 AM

Sharing Courses

The Federal Chief Learning Officers Council in partnership with OPM have developed a wiki page where agencies may share courses especially Federal mandatory training. These courses may be downloaded to their LMSs or taken directly through this wiki page.

Before downloading the course source code or taking the course through the wiki, you should determine whether these courses are offered through your agency's LMSs. If so, you should access the course through your agency's LMS in order to document the training within your agency.

All courses on the wiki page are 508 compliant. PLease adhere to your agency's 508 compliance procedures when downloading any course's sode code.

Constitution Day Courses:

Department of Homeland Security 
Department of Defense

Personal Identifiable Informaton

Department of Commerce

Supervisory Training

Difficult Conversations Course: OPM developed this course to support agencies supervisor training requirement specified in 5CFR 412.202. This online and interactive course allows new and current supervisors to explore different ways to have that "difficult conversation." Supervisors will learn different techniques and tools to having an effective conversation with an employee, thus making the conversation less difficult. Supervisors have the ability to practice having a conversation with a virtual character allowing them to practice in a safe and rish free environment. Here is the source code.

Difficult Conversation's Course Trailer: Here is a trailer for agencies to use to market this course.
Difficult Conversations Trailer(non 508 compliant)
Souce Code for 508 compliant trailer

No Fear Act

Nuclear Regulatory Commission


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