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Strategic Goal 1

Position the Federal Government as a model employer, improving the Government-wide satisfaction index score by 4 points

Strategic Objective 1.1 - Achieve a Federal workforce that is drawn from the diversity of America, exhibited at all levels of Government, by supporting agencies in fostering diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplaces. By FY 2026, increase a Government-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility index score by 6 percentage points.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $1,563,441 7.0
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $2,699,560 8.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $369,569 2.1
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $174,680 0.8
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Revolving Fund $180,596 1.0
Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Salaries & Expenses $2,839,298 15.0
Strategic Objective 1.1 Total $7,827,144 34.0
Strategic Objective 1.2 - Develop a Government-wide vision and strategy and implement policies and initiatives that embrace the future of work and position the Federal Government as a model employer with respect to hiring, talent development, competitive pay, benefits, and workplace flexibilities.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Congressional, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Salaries & Expenses $242,437 1.0
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $3,432,496 14.5
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $731,492 3.3
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $100,467 0.6
Office of the Chief Information Officer Common Services $69,604 0.5
Office of the Director Advances & Reimbursements Annual $171,064 1.0
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $277,425 1.2
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Revolving Fund $322,748 1.8
Strategic Objective 1.2 Total $5,347,733 23.9
Strategic Objective 1.3 - Build the skills of the Federal workforce through hiring and training. By FY 2026, increase the Government-wide percentage of respondents who agree that their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals by 4 points.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $13,655,167 44.0
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $305,697,630 381.8
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $2,521,687 15.7
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Trust Fund Annual $28,026 0.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Advances & Reimbursements No Year $59,973 0.4
Strategic Objective 1.3 Total $321,962,483 442.1
Strategic Objective 1.4 - Champion the Federal workforce by engaging and recognizing Federal employees and elevating their work. By FY 2026, increase the number of social media engagements on recognition-focused content by 15 percent.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $71,528 0.3
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $94,006 0.3
Office of Communications Salaries & Expenses $192,313 0.8
Office of the Director Advances & Reimbursements Annual $171,064 1.0
Strategic Objective 1.4 Total $528,911 2.3
OPM Total
Organization Dollars FTE
OPM Total $335,666,271 502.4

Achieve a federal workforce that is drawn from the diversity of America, exhibited at all levels of government, by supporting agencies in fostering diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplaces. By FY 2026, increase a government-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility index score by 6 percentage points.

Strategic Objective Owner: Tanya Sehgal, Acting Director, ODEIA

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: Michelle Earley, Deputy Associate Director, HRS


  • Review policies and practices to eliminate potential barriers to equity, and develop plans to eliminate those within OPM’s authority, in each of the following workforce functions: recruitment; hiring; promotion; retention; professional evaluations and rewards; professional development programs; the availability of mentoring programs or sponsorship initiatives, employee resource group and affinity group programs; temporary employee details and assignments
  • Track demographic data and leverage expertise to look deeply at diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility across grade/pay levels and the employee lifecycle to the extent permitted by law
  • Improve outreach and recruitment from historically underserved communities by promoting partnerships, paid internships, fellowships, and apprenticeships
  • Utilize diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility assessment tool to evaluate agency recruitment, hiring, promotion, retention, professional development, pay equity, reasonable accommodations access, and training policies and practices for fairness and impartiality across all pay levels
  • Assess potential barriers to access and advance employment opportunities (to include SES) and equity for employees with disabilities and develop plans to eliminate those barriers
  • Assess potential barriers to employment for LGBTQ+ employees, including non-binary gender marker options in Federal hiring, employment, personnel vetting, and benefits enrollment paperwork and develop plans to eliminate any barriers identified and advance equities across the employment lifecycle
  • Review job classification pay-setting regulations and guidance and draft proposals to promote pay equity across all levels of Government

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Implement interventions recommended by the FY 2023 assessment of the personnel vetting process to eliminate barriers to transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary employees and applicants ODEIA, SuitEA FY 2024
Expand data offered in the DEIA Dashboard shared with agencies ODEIA, HRS, HCDMM FY 2024
Evaluate progress toward expanded outreach to promote public service careers, particularly with underserved communities ODEIA, HRS FY 2024
Create relationships with national policy think tanks or other relevant organizations to pilot a program/marketing campaign focused on recruitment and retention of early career talent and underrepresented communities, such as outreach and recruiting of the formerly incarcerated ODEIA FY 2024
Create web presence for ODEIA and the Chief Diversity Officer Executive Council on for internal and external stakeholders to Government to access public resources, common templates, and other relevant DEIA documents generated from the Council, which can serve as a DEIA destination for public and private stakeholders ODEIA FY 2024
Conduct a formative evaluation to assess agency retirement readiness plans and programs and their effects on underserved communities to inform development of evidence-based education and future evaluations OCFO FY 2024
Create a streamlined and standardized process for the collection of DEIA Strategic Plans and the measurement of annual progress ODEIA, HCDMM FY 2024
Publish final regulations that prohibit the use of non-Federal salary history in setting pay for Federal employment offers WPI FY 2024
Provide guidance to agencies on climate and culture assessment, barrier analysis, and intersectionality* ODEIA FY 2024
Expand data offered in the DEIA Dashboard shared with agencies ODEIA, HRS, HCDMM FY 2025
Create a plan for Government-wide DEIA training for the Federal workforce ODEIA, WPI, HRS FY 2025
Develop a resource repository for best practices for agencies for DEIA ODEIA, WPI, HRS, MSAC FY 2025
Develop and launch public web presence strategy for people with disabilities, early career talent, and justice-involved to enhance model employer status ODEIA FY 2025
Reform Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program and agency DEIA strategic plan and annual progress data collection process ODEIA FY 2025
Publish DEIA annual report with expanded measures (for example, aggregate progress in implementing DEIA strategic plans and any updated self-reported demographic data) ODEIA FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Government-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility index score _* _* _* 69 71 73 74

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $1,563,441 7.0
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $2,699,560 8.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $369,569 2.1
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $174,680 0.8
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Revolving Fund $180,596 1.0
Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Salaries & Expenses $2,839,298 15.0
Strategic Objective 1.1 Total $7,827,144 34.0

Develop a Government-wide vision and strategy and implement policies and initiatives that embrace the future of work and position the Federal Government as a model employer with respect to hiring, talent development, competitive pay, benefits, and workplace flexibilities.

Strategic Objective Owner: Jason Barke, Deputy Associate Director for Strategic Workforce Planning, WPI

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: Margot Conrad, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Director; Danielle Opalka, Supervisory HR Specialist, WPI


  • Support agencies by providing human capital tools, guidance, and services as they transition to the post-reentry work environment
  • Create a vision and strategy for how the Federal Government can be a model employer with respect to hiring, talent development, competitive pay, benefits, and workplace flexibilities in the years to come, in alignment with the President’s Management Agenda
  • Develop and advance human capital policies to support the longer-term future of work
  • Execute on the Government-wide vision and strategy through supporting agencies on human capital issues to prepare them for the Future of Work

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Collaborate with agencies to identify and evaluate Future of the Workforce pilots WPI, HRS, OCFO, MSAC FY 2024
Refine and explore legislative and regulatory recommendations, and issue policy and guidance WPI, CLIA, OD FY 2024
Launch additional data dashboards for agencies to track progress and share agency efforts enterprise-wide WPI, HCDMM, OCIO FY 2024
Develop additional technical assistance and fee-for-service solutions to support agencies in preparing for the Future of the Workforce WPI, HRS, MSAC, OD FY 2024
Issue OPM playbook that further defines the Workforce of the Future priority areas WPI, HRS, HCDMM, CHCOC, ODEIA FY 2024
Implement Future of the Workforce Strategic Workforce Planning Group Strategic Plan and consult with agencies to support their long-term strategic workforce planning and foresight efforts WPI, OD, MSAC FY 2025
Pursue potential legislative, regulatory, and guidance changes identified in the FY 2025 legislative agenda and 'unified regulatory agenda' related to the Future of the Workforce WPI, CLIA FY 2025
Conduct research studies on key Future of the Workforce topics such as remote work/telework data from the new EHRI variable OCFO, WPI, HRS, HCDMM FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Percent of CHCOs who report they have the necessary guidance and resources from OPM to inform their future of work planning _* _* _* 81.82% 61.29% 83.00% 86.00%
Percent of CHCOs who report they find the services from OPM to inform their future of work planning helpful _* _* _* 69.70% 63.33% 75.70% 82.00%

Note: CHCOs are defined as the CHCOs and deputy CHCOs of the CHCO Act of 2002 agencies. FY 2022 results were collected via a survey deployed between December 2021 and January 2022 (Q1 and Q2 FY 2023). FY 2023 results were collected via a survey in October 2022 (Q1 FY 2023). In July 2023, OPM revised the FY 2024 target for the measure Percent of CHCOs who report they find the services from OPM to inform their future of work planning helpful.

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Congressional, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Salaries & Expenses $242,437 1.0
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $3,432,496 14.5
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $731,492 3.3
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $100,467 0.6
Office of the Chief Information Officer Common Services $69,604 0.5
Office of the Director Advances & Reimbursements Annual $171,064 1.0
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $277,425 1.2
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Revolving Fund $322,748 1.8
Strategic Objective 1.2 Total $5,347,733 23.9

Build the skills of the Federal workforce through hiring and training. By FY 2026, increase the Government-wide percentage of respondents who agree that their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals by 4 points.

Strategic Objective Owner: : Kim Holden, Principal Deputy Associate Director, WPI

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: Ana Mazzi, Principal Deputy Associate Director, MSAC; Daluana Gammon, Manager, HRS


  • Modernize the Federal workforce competency model
  • Strengthen the Federal human resource, acquisitions, and cybersecurity workforce
  • Facilitate recruiting and hiring of diverse, early career talent by implementing recently enacted statutory changes applicable to early career talent, modernizing the Pathways program, and designing innovative paid internship programs
  • Launch a new initiative to promote innovation in Federal talent across Government by creating a new process to identify and develop, select, high-impact talent projects
  • Implement improvements to the competitive hiring process, including adoption of new selection rules (for example, the “rule of many”)
  • Expand training offerings for human capital professionals and leaders focused on customer service and problem solving
  • Drive improvements to assessments used for Federal hiring by establishing Government-wide hiring assessment line of business and agency talent teams
  • Leverage Competency Exploration for Development and Readiness tool to conduct Government-wide skill gaps analysis across multiple high-risk functions and develop resources to address identified skill gaps
  • Create a talent surge playbook to support agencies to acquire the skillsets needed to achieve their missions
  • Support agencies in advancing the implementation of skills-based hiring approaches to fill priority positions
  • Develop comprehensive training and curriculum for HR practitioners and hiring managers on pooled hiring
  • Expand technical recruitment assistance for agencies
  • Build web content tailored to hiring managers and HR practitioners to streamline communication and resource access
  • Run dedicated cross-Government hiring actions that maximize resources and minimize duplication of efforts, giving tech talent the ability to apply one time and be considered for many opportunities and for one hiring action to yield many hires
  • Upgrade talent acquisition automation tools to enhance efficiency in candidate sourcing and screening, facilitating smoother recruitment processes and enabling agencies to attract top AI talent

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Evaluate the end-to-end hiring model to include preceding planning steps WPI, HRS, MSAC FY 2024
Design and implement research studies on current hiring practices and potential solutions to hiring challenges OCFO, MSAC FY 2024
Publish the final rule for the Pathways Programs regulation* WPI, HRS, MSAC FY 2024
Publish the final rule for the Rule of Many regulation* WPI, HRS, MSAC FY 2024
Determine the feasibility of developing a skills/career exploration tool HRS, WPI FY 2024
Develop guidance for Applicant Flow Data Structure, Access, and Use* ODEIA, WPI FY 2024
Develop a tool to assist agencies in developing analysts to assess the effectiveness of hiring process in meeting DEIA outcomes* ODEIA, OD, WPI FY 2024
Identify promising strategies that could be scaled to address mission critical skills gaps WPI, MSAC, HRS FY 2025
Pilot Government-wide HR Internship WPI, HRS, MSAC FY 2025
Develop prototype skills/career exploration tool HRS, WPI, MSAC FY 2025
Deploy new features in talent acquisition systems to improve HR and hiring managers experience* WPI, HRS, MSAC FY 2025
Include new demographic response options (for example Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) in the AFD collection form* WPI FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

^ In July 2023, OPM corrected previously reported historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Percent of respondents who agree that their work units have the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals 81% 82% 80% 79% 80% 82% 84%
Average score for hiring manager satisfaction that applicants to human resources, acquisitions, and cybersecurity positions are referred in a timely manner with the necessary skills to perform the job _* _* _* 4.17 4.04 4.19 4.20
Percent of vacancies using alternative assessments to replace or augment the self-report occupational questionnaire _* 9.05%^ 10.54%^ 8.12%^ 11.43% 12.00% 13.00%

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $13,655,167 44.0
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $305,697,630 381.8
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $2,521,687 15.7
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Trust Fund Annual $28,026 0.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Advances & Reimbursements No Year $59,973 0.4
Strategic Objective 1.3 Total $321,962,483 442.1

Champion the Federal workforce by engaging and recognizing Federal employees and elevating their work. By FY 2026, increase the number of social media engagements on recognition-focused content by 15 percent.

Strategic Objective Owner: Yahaira Lopez, Senior Advisor, OD

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: Laura Goulding, Deputy Director, OC; Terese Bell, HR Specialist, WPI; Erikka Knuti, Director of Communications, OC


  • Share best practices related to engagement and recognition across Federal agencies through CHCOs, Federal Executive Boards, the White House, and other stakeholders with shared missions
  • Increase attention to programs that regularly spotlight workers and union members at OPM and across the Federal Government throughout the year, culminating with Public Service Recognition Week
  • Create an OPM-led interagency working group focused on recognizing and elevating the Federal workforce

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Create a new "Worker Empowerment" web page on OC, WPI FY 2024
Solicit feedback from CHCOs to inform future deliverables and products related to engaging and recognizing the Federal workforce OD, CHCOC FY 2024
Develop a social media toolkit for Government-wide use focused on how agencies can elevate their workers through storytelling OC, WPI FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Number of social media engagements on recognition-focused content _* _* _* 195,389 156,066 214,918 224,687

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $71,528 0.3
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $94,006 0.3
Office of Communications Salaries & Expenses $192,313 0.8
Office of the Director Advances & Reimbursements Annual $171,064 1.0
Strategic Objective 1.4 Total $528,911 2.3

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Delayed milestone carried over from a previous fiscal year

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