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Pandemic FAQ

What happens to employees’ health and life insurance benefits during a furlough?
For health benefits, enrollment continues for no more than 365 days in a nonpay status. The nonpay status may be continuous or broken by periods of less than four consecutive months in a pay status. The Government contribution continues while employees are in a nonpay status. The Government also is responsible for advancing from salary the employee share of premium. The employee can choose between paying the agency directly on a current basis or having the premiums accumulate and be withheld from his or her pay upon returning to duty.

For life insurance, coverage continues for 12 consecutive months in a nonpay status without cost to the employees or to the agency. The nonpay status may be continuous or it may be broken by a return to duty for periods of less than four consecutive months.

For further information, see OPM Furlough Q&As.

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