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January 2018
November 2018
November 15, 2018 Operating Status
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC area are OPEN and employees have the OPTION for UNSCHEDULED LEAVE OR UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK.
June 2018
Spring Design School: A Breath of Fresh Air
The Lab at OPM is a practice that fosters innovation through human-centered design. Our goal is to teach human-centered design across the Federal Government and to help deliver innovative solutions that address complex public and cross-sector challenges.
Human Capital Reviews
The effective management of human capital (HC), an agency’s most valuable resource, is essential for hiring, managing, training, rewarding, and retaining a high-performing workforce.
May 2018
OPM Celebrates Public Service Recognition Week 2018
Each year, during the first full week of May, our Nation comes together to celebrate the men and women who serve our country as Federal, state, county, and local government employees.
OPM's UnlockTalent: New Feature Now Available
UnlockTalent has been around for a few years, but recent updates to the site have made this tool more helpful than ever to Federal agencies in assessing their organizational health and utilizing data from multiple sources to gain insight into their workforce.
Celebrating 15 Years of the CHCO Council
On Wednesday, May 23rd, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will celebrate the 15 Year anniversary of the Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Council.
FEDVIP Coming Soon to Military Families and Retirees
OPM will soon begin offering vision and dental insurance to military families and retirees through the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). The initiative was directed by the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2017.
April 2018
OPM Federal Work-Life Survey Results Available
OPM is pleased to present the results of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Federal Work-Life Survey. This report highlights key findings and recommen¬dations on the Federal workforce use of workplace flexibilities and participation in work-life programs.
OPM Recognizes April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) would like to take this opportunity to inform the Federal community about the available resources for employees whose lives are affected by sexual assault.
March 2018
March 2, 2018 Operating Status
FEDERAL OFFICES in the Washington, DC area are CLOSED. Emergency and telework-ready employees required to work must follow their agency's policies, including written telework agreements.
March 21, 2018 Operating Status
FEDERAL OFFICES in the Washington, DC area are CLOSED. Emergency and telework-ready employees required to work must follow their agency's policies, including written telework agreements.
March 22, 2018 Operating Status
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC area are OPEN under 2 hours DELAYED ARRIVAL and employees have the OPTION FOR UNSCHEDULED LEAVE OR UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK. Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than 2 hours later than they would be expected to arrive.
Looking Back on Women's History Month
As we close out our celebration of Women’s History Month, we reflect on all of the great strides women have made over the years to overcome challenges and reduce the equity gap. This dates back to 1789 when the U.S. Constitution was ratified and terms such as “persons” and “people” allowed for the interpretation of those beings to include men and women.
February 2018
February 7, 2018 Operating Status
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC area are OPEN under 2 hours DELAYED ARRIVAL and employees have the OPTION FOR UNSCHEDULED LEAVE OR UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK. Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than 2 hours later than they would be expected to arrive.
Shutdown Furlough
Due to a lapse in appropriations, Federal Government Operations vary by agency. Employees should refer to their home agency for guidance on reporting for duty.
February 9, 2018 Operating Status
Employees are expected to return for work, absent other instructions from their employing agencies.
OPM's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan
Today, we released OPM’s Strategic Plan for 2018 – 2022. This blueprint for success is borne out of many long hours of brainstorming, input from within and outside of our agency, and many refined versions. Our Strategic Plan sets out agency-wide strategic goals and objectives. We feel that this is our best roadmap for the next five years.
Celebrating African American History and Culture
In February, the nation joins together to celebrate African American History Month. It is a time to reflect on and celebrate the rich culture of African American history in the United States. This year’s theme is “African Americans in Times of War.” Many African American men and women across the nation, and from all walks of life, have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. This year also commemorates the centennial of the end of the First World War in 1918.
USAJOBS Adopts Login.Gov Platform to Make Federal Application Process Easier, More Secure
We are pleased to announce a new platform for user log in:, a General Services Administration (GSA) product, offers USAJOBS users the opportunity to benefit from GSA’s focus on authentication, security, privacy and usability
Spring Design School
The Lab at OPM is hosting Spring Design School in Washington, DC, this March. SDS is a week-long work/learn/ engage event for government participants eager to experience new ways to understand and apply human-centered design methods in government. Learn more and sign up today.
January 2018
January 4, 2018 Operating Status
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC area are OPEN under 2 hours DELAYED ARRIVAL and employees have the OPTION FOR UNSCHEDULED LEAVE OR UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK. Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than 2 hours later than they would be expected to arrive.
Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - A Day of Service
On Monday, January 15 we will recognize and celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for his prominent activism and leadership in the Civil Rights Movement.
Shutdown Furlough Guidance
This guidance provides information on shutdown furloughs and applies to activities that are funded by annual appropriations. Some agency functions have alternative funding sources and, as a result, are not directly affected by a lapse in annual appropriations.
Shutdown Furlough
Due to a lapse in appropriations, Federal Government Operations vary by agency. Employees should refer to their home agency for guidance on reporting for duty.
January 23, 2018 Operating Status
Employees are expected to return for work on their next regularly scheduled work day (Tuesday, January 23rd for most employees), absent other instructions from their employing agencies.