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Purpose and Scope

The FY 2024 Annual Performance Report summarizes OPM’s progress in implementing the strategies and achieving the objectives and goals in its FY 2022-FY 2026 Strategic Plan. The Annual Performance Report is intended to be used by Congress in reviewing the agency’s budget proposals. It is also intended to help Congress, the President, and the public assess OPM’s stewardship over the financial resources entrusted to the agency in FY 2024. The FY 2024 Annual Performance Report meets reporting requirements in the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010, which focuses on improving performance and accountability in Federal agencies, and in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11 Part 6: The Federal Performance Framework for Improving Program and Service Delivery.

The report does not include performance information for additional mission activities aligned to key functions or additional mission support activities, such as certain ongoing functions required by statute, regulation, or Executive Order, as well as certain information technology, contracting, facilities and security, financial management, and overhead functions that are difficult to align directly with a specific strategic goal within the Strategic Plan.

The objectives in OPM’s FY 2022-FY 2026 Strategic Plan are the primary units of analysis in this report. As part of its annual performance budgeting process, the agency developed performance targets for each of the measures aligned to the objectives. The targets, which indicate the agency’s planned levels of performance, were set based on the resources requested for each objective. In this report, the agency compares these planned levels of performance to actual performance, explaining any variances or trends. OPM identifies successful or promising practices and describes plans for improvement where targets were not met.

Under separate cover, OPM publishes an Agency Financial Report, focusing on financial results. All reports are available on the OPM website.

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