HRS Fields First Federal New Leader Onboarding Assessment
While most executive onboarding programs focus on "the first 90 days," research shows it can actually take more than six months for a leader to become fully productive in a new role. To shorten the path to full productivity, HRS has developed and fielded the New Leaders Onboarding Assessment (NLOA), the first of its kind in the Federal sector. NLOA provides a high-level snapshot of key facets of an executive's new organization, and is comprised of three pulse surveys: The Organizational Assessment Survey; a Leadership Assessment; and a Workforce Capabilities & Training Needs Assessment. NLOA’s detailed results report accelerates the new leader’s learning curve while providing analyses in a clear, succinct format to prevent information overload (a common challenge for new leaders.) If you are taking on a leadership role in an organization and would like to discuss how NLOA can accelerate your journey to effectiveness, please contact Matthew Sigafoose at