Operating Status Archives
Applies to: March 17, 2020 - Until Further Notice
Status: Open with maximum Telework flexibilities to all current Telework eligible employees, pursuant to direction from Agency Heads
Federal offices nationwide continue to perform mission critical functions and operations as determined by agency heads. Please contact your supervisor to confirm telework schedule and to receive further direction from your agency head.
If you are not telework eligible or do not have access to telework equipment, please contact your supervisor to discuss next steps.
Please refer to OMB Guidance M-20-16 (https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/M-20-16.pdf) for full details. Agencies continue to serve the American people and conduct mission critical functions. Each employee should refer to their own agency for communications and guidance on telework or leave status.
Note: If you are a customer or member of the public planning to visit a Federal building, please confirm building/facility status before visiting. Some agency buildings and locations may have select hours, reduced in-person services, or visitor restrictions in place.
(Posted on March 17, 2020 at 10:56 PM)